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Tuesday, February 3, 2015

A.S. Face 1415: Cynthia Skidmore

A.S. Face 1415: Cynthia Skidmore

Face 1415
I am now 50 and mother of 3 sons and wife..but starting in my early 20’s I had low back pain and sciatic and sacral pain. I had just graduated a 2 year degree in radiological technology and worked with people needing lifted and manually moved. I chalked it up to that. Finally in my 30’s and several Dr and specialist I was diagnosed by accident when a Dr finally ran a hla-b27 that was positive. We sat down and went over my family history 3 great aunts with r.a. and 1 great uncle who was fused because he “fell out of a barn loft as a child and gradually as he got older became stiff”  I am r.a. Negative but my sed rate and crp were high and x-rays of my s.i. joints showed erosion. I was told my family has the “Karch” back (mothers maiden name) because most of them have had back problems from the teen years on. So it took over 15 years for the diagnosis. One of my sons was tested and positive for hla-b27 and has complained of low back pain from his teens..his blood work x-rays and mri of the s.i. joints are all normal at this time..another son tests negative  and my 3rd son won’t test because he doesn’t want to know. I can’t find the key to add my photo so I will send it along soon.
Cynthia Skidmore Mt. Vernon Illinois  U. S. A.

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