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Thursday, December 18, 2014

A.S. Face 1410: Christina Ryland

A.S. Face 1410: Christina Ryland

Face 1410
AS started when I was 13 first in my toes and got in the way of me playing sports. Gradually it progressed and git out if control in the mean time I was going to Scottish Rite Hospital went there for 5 yrs and was always told I was a mystery all the tests they took and couldn’t figure it out. Then when I was  26 I was diagnosed by a rheumatologist found HBLA in my genes. The pain is something that is very hard to bare. Just sitting it can hit like a ton of bricks for example rib cage hurting can’t bend my leg cause it is so inflamed while having my arm stuck in a bent position. And just feeling broken. Thank goodness I haven’t had one of those bouts in a while, I have an amazing and supportive husband and 3 beautiful children. My oldest daughter just got diagnosed with AS, it is very hard for me as a mother to not be able to take her pain away and make it better.
Texas, United States of America

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